A recent study by the Pew Research Center, finds that millennials, age 18-34, are more likely to return home to live with their parents than to set up their own independent households. The study shows...
Rent-to-Own, renting a home, usually single family, with the option to purchase it at a later date appears to be making a comeback. This was a popular option, especially for the credit challenged, in the...
Federal Reserve Chair, Janet Yellen, has confirm that the Fed is on track to increase interest rates later this year. However, concerns of “unanticipated developments” could delay or accelerate the process. And although the economy...
6.5 million Homeowners with mortgages could save approximately $200-$500 on their monthly payments by refinancing, most could qualify and benefit from traditional refinancing while 450,000 are HARP-eligible. HARP, the Home Affordable Refinance Program, is a...
In December of 2014, a service tax, Senate Bill 8 (SB 8), the “Upward Mobility Act,” was introduced by Senator Robert Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys). The bill’s purpose is to generate $10 billion for schools, local...
There is speculation that the Federal Reserve could raise interest rates in June then gradually increase thereafter, however, the impact of low oil prices, a strong dollar and the unemployment rate over the next two...
It’s inevitable, the Federal Reserve is considering raising rates as early as June, so, with a little time on your side, now might be a good time to find the right mortgage or to refinance....
In a recent article from HSH.com, a mortgage research website, reports that in order to afford a home in the Los Angeles area of $450,900, based on NAR (National Association of REALTORS®) median home price...
During a recent interview on CBS This Morning, Zillow CEO, Spencer Rascoff, acknowledged the accuracy of Zillow’s zestimate, widely used by home buyers and sellers alike to gauge property values, as having a “median error...
With mortgage rates still relatively low, in the mid 3%, the government’s role with the easing of credit requirement and increasing rent rates- equals no equity, home purchasing has led to higher demands amongst millennials,...